Kids Disability Tax Credits: Yours May Be A Candidate

Kids Disability Tax Credits: Yours May Be A Candidate



Entertain Kids On A Dime would like to introduce you to our new sponsor RiverPoint Financial. They are a reliable Company that has personally helped me receive money for one of my children.

RiverPoint Financial will assist you with getting back tax credits for children with disabilities and medical conditions.

Examples of these include:

  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • ODD
  • Autism
  • Other disabilities or medical conditions that will affect the quality of your child’s day to day life.

You can receive a cheque for thousands of dollars.

I am very onboard with promoting this Company, since they have helped me receive a cheque for $10,000 which I used to pay for tutoring services and camp.

If your child has been diagnosed with a disability or a medical condition, please contact LEE at: 1-888-383-8999 or

I have set up a charitable program with RiverPoint Financial. If you tell them you heard about them through Jennifer OR Entertain Kids On A Dime, a portion of their proceeds will go toward Sick Kids Hospital.

Should you have further concerns or questions, feel free to contact me at: