With the Easter and Passover holidays coming up, my kids and I thought we would make two fun crafts to get everyone into the spirit. The Passover craft I made with my children and they loved it!!! The Easter craft I think is really cool, but my kids are two young to do this one, but I would recommend doing it with older children. Here are the craft instructions below.
For those who celebrate these holidays, Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all.
*Easter Egg Yarn Craft (Taken from the Six Sisters Stuff Blog)
What You Need
1. Blow up small water balloons
2. Make your glue. I first added 1 cup flour and 1 cup water and whisk together. Then I slowly added a little more water until I got the consistency of Elmer’s glue.
3. Yarn. Next I added my yarn into the bowl and let it soak for about a minute.
4. Put Your Yarn On Your Balloon. As I slowly pulled the yarn out of the glue I would run it through my fingers to get rid of any access glue. The less glue you have the cleaner your eggs will be.
Lay out on both sides to dry. Once the balloons harden, you pop them. They make great centre pieces.
*Moses And The Red Sea (EDIBLE CRAFT)
What you will need:
Paper plate
Teddy Bear Cookies
Peanut butter or soy butter (to stick the cookies)
Container of Cool Whip defrosted
Blue food colouring
1. In a bowl, mix 1-1.5 cups of cool with with a few drops of blue food colouring. Mix until the Cool Whip turns blue.
2. Take a plate, spread some cool whip on both sides of the plate creating a path in the middle.
3. Drop 4 drops of peanut butter on the plate. Stick the cookies to the plate so they stand up.
Then watch Moses part the red sea 🙂